Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

I think the title says it all.

But really, are you taking care of yourself? 

Are you exercising?

Are you eating right?
Are you taking the time to care for yourself?

I always thought of self-care like the oxygen mask on a plane, help yourself before helping others. With that being said, and it goes without saying, your habits motivate others to do better. 

That’s what I mean by helping yourself first. Take the time, make the necessary changes, do the work, and let others see the results. 

Someone who didn’t think it was possible is now exercising because of something that inspired them. Maybe that something was you. 

So, the next time you feel yourself getting sluggish and lazy, just know that you’re giving someone else permission to do the same.

Yes, inspiration works in both directions. You can be progressing or not. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progress. And progress is about little steps over time that add up to big leaps.

The physical steps you take today add up to losing weight. The nutritious meals you eat today add up to bursts of energy later. Everything we do in life is about steps and leaps. Taking care of yourself today can add up to a healthier future.

The decision to take care of yourself can be instant. You can decide right now to make a change. 

But the progress, or steps, will happen over time and eventually turn into revolutionary big leaps.


What is Your Fitness Mission Statement?


Identity - The Most Powerful Force