Expectation vs Reality

Expectations are what we think will happen, while the reality is what actually happens. The question is, what do you expect, and what are you allowing to happen?

If you expect to be in better shape but allow yourself to skip days of exercise, the reality is you won't be in the shape you're expecting to be in. The same can be said for a career.

You expect to be at a certain level within your company, but you failed to put in the work.

The reality of that situation is you probably won’t be moving to that higher position anytime soon. 

So what can we do about it?

How can we have more control over things? What are the steps to making our expectations a reality?

First and foremost, control your reaction. You can kick and scream, cuss and swear, blame the universe, etc, but at the end of the day, it’s just a flat tire.

How much time are you going to waste living with the reality of the issue before you fix it and move on to a different reality? The flat tire isn’t going to fix itself.

Can you freak out at the restaurant and eat the food with a bad attitude or can you simply have a conversation with the waiter and ask them to fix it?

We have it.

We all have expectations, but the reality we are living isn’t going to get us to where we want to go.

You want to read one book a month, but the month is almost over, and you failed to read one page.

How can you expect to read 1 book a month if you haven’t even done the work to make it happen? Are you expecting to wake up one day, and like magic, you have six-pack abs?

Good Luck!!

Because we both know you didn’t put in the work and that sugar-filled dessert in your hand says it all. 

Today is not the day to go through your house and throw away anything with sugar, or buy a million-dollar home gym, or read an entire book.

Today is the day to make a subtle change that you can stick with consistently over time.

Pick one book and read a few pages every day. Start doing something active each day to help you stay in shape. The biggest changes in life can come from one simple adjustment.

Make that your reality!


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