Super Self Version

There is this concept that I learned a long time ago that includes you creating the perfect version of yourself.

Some people believe this is a complex idea and can have different interpretations for different people. At its core, it involves striving to become the best version of oneself by setting goals, improving skills, and developing positive habits.

The importance of creating the perfect version of yourself can be seen in various aspects of L.I.F.E.. For instance, in personal engagements, people who have a clear sense of who they are and what they want are more likely to attract positive, meaningful relationships.

This is because they are confident and secure in themselves, making it easier for others to connect with them.

Livelihood, Identity, and fitness are also part of this “perfect version” concept. Having a clear vision of one's goals and aspirations can drive motivation and help individuals achieve success.

This is because they are focused on what they want to achieve and are willing to put in the effort to get there.

Creating the perfect version of oneself can also have a positive effect on mental health and well-being. When individuals have a clear sense of who they are and what they want, they are more likely to experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives. 

It is important to remember the concept of creating the perfect version of yourself is more about self improvement and growth rather than achieving perfection. Instead of solely concentrating on a perfect version of yourself, concentrate on the growth over a period of time.

Remember, Steps and Leaps.

The consistent small steps taken now will add up to revolutionary big leaps down the road. The idea is to take steps toward becoming the best version of you.

If you want to do a certain thing, or live a certain way, you can create a goal around that and work your way toward it. Go back to the example of reading 12 books in 1 year. If one aspect of your perfect version is you being a reader, then you need to set a goal around reading.

In conclusion, going after the perfect version of yourself can have various benefits, including stronger personal relationships, professional success, improved mental health, and overall well-being.

Remember to keep focusing on personal growth and improvement rather than perfection.

The end result should show you as gaining better habits and taking small steps that will eventually add up to big leaps.


Small Steps/Big Leaps


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